Tuesday, February 13, 2024




E. T. 


My best friend, my ride or die, would always say to me “WOAH! Your artworks are so amazing! How does an image, a random image come to your mind and how are you able to create it?” And that question made me question myself –

            “How do I really create my artworks?”

Ever since I was a little kid, I would always draw that would come to my mind.

I was always known to have an imagination even in my dreams when I was young, I would imagine myself being in another realm. My imagination was so vivid that I often would partake in these, imagining that I was floating up in the air or finally having my own Candyland and eating all the candy and not get cavities. These memories were a part of my childhood, and these memories would often pop up in my head. As of now, what I draw, is whatever pops up into my mind, no memory, no visuals to replicate, just my mind showing me a random picture where I can draw it. I can look at something, sure, and replicate it but my skills are having a random image pop into my head and then I place that onto paper or on the iPAD to sketch it.

My project is me placed in a fiction scenario. I am always imagining myself being in a different place. No matter where I go or where I am, I am sometimes imagining being in a different place and being a different person. I would often think to myself how do I look as a witch or being the princess of Candyland, and I get these vivid imaginations of seeing myself in a different realm. I am the most imaginative person, always creating a fictional imagery within my head and then place my ideas onto paper. My creation is mostly my imagination just like Natalia Seth, she creates her work to be very fun and playful with the bright colors that she uses in her pictures. 

Natalia Seth - she creates her pictures and edits them to be very whimsical and very super colorful, playful in her self-portraits. Her ideas, her inspiration comes to her before she goes to sleep, and I can relate to that. Sometimes nothing comes to me if I start trying to think too hard and then burn my brain out and I therefore get really frustrated when an idea that I want to create does not come to mind or it does not come out good on paper. Being frustrated clogs up my mind so I often would sometimes have to take a breather and step away from my baby, meaning my sketchbooks and my iPAD. Sometimes, if my mind is blank, I just go and walk around with a sketchbook and whatever I see that catches my eyes I sit down and sketch and those type of sketches are the type that I look for. 

In "Collective World" Someone asked Natalia Seth what's the best parts of growing as a creative and her response was: 

QUOTE 1:  "As a child I was super awkward and shy, and finding this medium has allowed me to channel my weirdness             through my images. When I couldn’t express my feelings in words, I created images instead."

RESPONSE: I can relate with her on this. I was also a shy and an awkward child and I really did not have any friends and its because I really did not know how to socialize. For me to be able to socialize or even get noticed, drawing was my way of expressing who I am and be able to socialize and talk with people just like Natalia Seth how she expressed herself through her photography. 

In "phLEARN" someone asked if she liked editing and creating composites 

Her response: 

QUOTE 2 : "Yeah, I absolutely love it. That’s why I also started the weird style that I have, developing the weird things that I do right now, because I like making things weird, and out of the ordinary, and unusual – just things that you don’t usually see."

RESPONSE: Her style of photography is very different which I like. It's not something that you see on a vogue magazine or any magazines where all the models that you see are posing the exact same stance and its boring, its not exciting as Natalie Seth's composites. 


Natalia Seth, A Multimedia Artist With A Dreamy Vision Of The World – Collective World

The Bright, Whimsical and Entirely Weird World of Instagram Star Natalia Seth (phlearn.com)

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